The first of my classmates that I read was Sacha Kaufer’s blog on Non-Profit Public Relations. I examined her most recent post about research results. She emphasized the importance of research pertaining to that specific field because it is “important to see what the company needs to improve and what areas they need to be focusing on.” She related everything in this post to her current internship at Habitat For Humanity. It made it more helpful because it put the information she was explaining into a very easily understood topic and something that really existed out there in “the real world.” She included a link an article that further showed how Habitat for Humanity used research and the way it was produced in. It was an overall interesting read!
The second of my classmates that I read was Meghan Parmentier's blog on food and nutrition Public Relations. What initially drew me in was that it was a different topic that not many people were studying so I had assumed it would be fairly interesting. I was correct! Meghan's blog got into full detail about the research that is done in the nutrition field of PR--a field of which I hardly knew even existed prior to reading it. Not only did she have a clever title and appropriate graphics, she had a plethora of links all leading to relevant sites. I found the parts really interesting when she discussed how statistics about nutrition are often exaggerated and incorrect. The links she provided furthered her point. Again, a very interesting and informational read!
Gee, thanks for the kind words P :)