Experimental research isn't exactly as it sounds. You don't have to be off in a science lab with all different chemicals--its actually much simpler than that and is often used in the fashion industry today. Experimental research begins with a control group and an experimental group. The control group and experimental group should be the same but the experimental group should have one small change in it. This way you have the ability to measure exactly what you want to measure, and they both start off similar. Another important aspect is the idea of a pre-test. A pre-test is just another way of ensuring that you have a valid experiment.
In the fashion industry, one way it could be used is again with determining different trends and seeing if they will work. If you start with two groups of people who have similar fashion styles and separate them between the control and experimental group and then ask them some basic fashion questions, such as what shoes they like to wear in the winter, if they like layering different shirts, or if they like things that are of a silk material. This way you know exactly what they are all at from the start. The experimental group then would attend a fashion show of a designer's new fashion line, such as Tory Burch and her new winter line. Then the questions would be asked again to both the experimental group and the control group. This will provide insight to the designer to determine if showing people their new thoughts and idea's for clothing will influence their puchasing patterns.
Who knew research could be so stylish?
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